After Delivery

Taking Care of Yourself and Your Baby 

After you give birth, it's important to take care of yourself and recover. Woman’s gets you started the right way with dedicated mother/baby suites for restful recovery, in-hospital lactation counseling, and follow-up educational classes and programs. There’s also a lot that new moms can do for healing the body as it works to rebalance itself both physically and emotionally. 

Bonding After Childbirth: The Magic Hour 

Right after your baby is born, nothing should stand in the way of your first hello. That first hour after baby's arrival is a magical time and is best spent with baby laying skin-to-skin on your chest. This is your golden chance to bond and help baby feel safe. Other tasks, like weighing and bathing can wait! 

During skin-to-skin contact, baby can feel your warmth and hear your heartbeat and breathing. Relaxing hormones are released in both you and baby, helping you bond. Frequent eye and voice contact during this time helps with bonding as well, and reduces the risk of postpartum depression. This practice also promotes baby's natural breastfeeding behaviors, such as rooting (searching for the breast) and attaching to your breast.  

Dads, this time is special for you too! Enjoy Magic Hour with your new family by supporting mom and softly talking to baby. 

We know that family and friends are eager to meet baby, but ask that they wait until after Magic Hour to come in and visit.

Mother/Baby Suites

Our Mother/Baby suites are equipped with a television, private bathroom and a sleeper sofa for one adult overnight guest. Your baby will sleep in a bassinet right next to your bed. 

Under the skillful care of your nurse, you'll begin to adjust to life as a new family. This time is the perfect opportunity to ask questions and get to know your new baby. Your pediatrician will examine your baby in your room, offering you another chance to learn how to care for your baby before you go home.

All new moms need rest. Try to sleep when your baby sleeps.

Having a baby is exhausting, but adjusting to parenthood is hard work, too. Caring for a newborn 24 hours a day is both emotionally and physically demanding. Rest as much as possible and let others help you.

Breastfeeding (Lactation) Counseling

While you are in the hospital, a lactation nurse will visit you to address any breastfeeding concerns or issues. Your nurse is happy to answer questions and assist with feedings. We also have breastfeeding programming available for you to watch on the digital on-demand TV in your room.

Educational Programming On Demand

On the television in your inpatient room, you may watch informative programs of interest to new parents. Multiple languages are offered. 

Ask for Help and Avoid Lifting 

It takes several weeks to recover from delivering a baby vaginally. It takes longer if you have had a cesarean section (C-section). Always consult with your physician about recovery times. Let your family and friends help with cooking, laundry and housework. Climb stairs carefully. Do not lift anything heavier than your baby.

Be Patient with Physical Changes 

You'll have challenges during the post-pregnancy period. Vaginal soreness, breast soreness and painful bowel movements are common. Physical effects of childbirth vary depending on whether you had a vaginal birth or a C-section. 

The changes to your body and daily routine are normal. It can take time to feel like your old self again, but Woman’s is here to help you if these changes become overwhelming. Speak with your doctor about what you should expect for your individual situation.

For an abdominal incision, including C-section, see Care Instructions:

Additional Interests

  • Breastfeeding is Best

    Self-compassion and support can make the difference when it comes to tackling the challenges of breastfeeding. Get personalized lactation advice or attend a breastfeeding support group.

  • Newborn infant burping

    Now That Your Baby Is Here

    Essential newborn care involves screenings, visits from the pediatrician, and parent bonding. You might have lots of questions about how to swaddle, diaper, bathe, and more.

  • Taking blood pressure at home

    Know your numbers.

    Every doctor’s appointment starts with a blood pressure check because it is an important indicator of heart health. When monitoring at home, use the right technique to obtain accurate readings.