Let’s Talk Personal
It can be hard to talk about your body, especially when you feel like something isn’t right. Don’t ignore your symptoms out of embarrassment. Pain may indicate a problem that can have a solution.

What are you doing when leaks happen?
One in four U.S. women suffer from bladder leaks. If you have a problem with your bladder, that “gotta go” feeling or incontinence, know that it can be treated. Talk to your doctor who can help you get back to an active life.

Additional Interests
Check Up, Down There.
When you see your gynecologist, it is vital that you feel comfortable being entirely honest, even though some of these questions can be quite personal.
Get Tested, Use Protection.
STIs cannot be transmitted through kissing, shaking hands, or sharing drinks. But infections can be transmitted through unprotected sex.
Is It Time for a Baby?
There are no right or wrong answers when it comes to when someone decides to become a parent, but it’s a decision that should be thoughtfully considered.