Hearing Loss Symptoms
Your Hearing Matters
It's important to pay attention to changes in your hearing and be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of hearing loss. Here is a list of some common symptoms to help:
Finding it difficult to hear people talk when there is background noise
Finding it difficult to hear on the telephone
Misunderstanding what people are saying
Thinking that people are mumbling when they are actually speaking clearly
Often asking people to repeat themselves
Hissing, roaring or ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
Finding it hard to hear the television or radio at normal volumes
Tiredness and irritation caused by trying to hear
Dizziness or problems with balance
Hearing Loss Causes
Hearing loss can be hereditary or it can happen due to disease, trauma or long-term exposure to loud noises or certain types of medications. Hearing loss can range from mild to a total loss of hearing. Hearing loss often limits the quality of life. It makes it more difficult for you to talk to others and can cause you and others additional stress.