Newborn Care

Caring for your baby is one of life’s most rewarding and challenging experiences.

The first moments and days with your baby are precious. The healthcare professionals at Woman’s are committed to making your transition to motherhood as positive as possible by providing plenty of information.

How to Care for Your New Baby

Baby Safety

We hope this information helps you create a safer environment for your baby from hazards with sleep, home, toys and fire.

Bath Time

Bathing your baby is a wonderful bonding experience, and It's not necessary to bathe your baby daily.

Bulb Syringe

A bulb syringe removes liquid or mucus from your baby's nose and mouth to gently suction and clear your baby's stuffy nose.

Circumcision Care

If performed, you will need to take little steps to care for your baby's penis until it heals.

Comforting Your Baby

All babies cry because it’s the only way to let us know when they need something. Here are some common soothing actions.

Common Infant Conditions

A few conditions are common in infants less than 6 weeks. If you are worried about your baby, call your health care provider.

Developmental Milestones

Your baby will grow and develop at an amazing speed. What is developmentally appropriate for babies ages month-by-month?

Diaper Matters

Changing your baby's diaper is a task you'll be faced with quickly—and often—as a new parent.

Newborn Appearance

Many of these conditions are common in newborns and will diminish or change as your baby grows.

Newborn Screenings

After your baby is born at Woman’s, we perform several tests to screen for possible health problems.

Oral Motor Development

Children's feeding abilities and needs change with motor, cognitive and social development.

Safe Sleep

Follow the ABCs of safe sleep: Babies should sleep Alone, on their Back, in a Crib.

Temperature and Fever

You can use either a digital or ear thermometer to take your baby’s temperature.

Umbilical Cord Care

As the cord stump is healing, it should be kept as clean and dry as possible, by folding down diapers and with sponge baths.

When to Contact Your Pediatrician

From fevers and feeding issues to diaper issues and more, know reasons to call about your newborn.