Feeding Conditions
Infants and Toddlers: Oral Motor Development and Nutrition
Planning for and feeding your infant is important for normal development but can also be challenging and, at times, overwhelming. When an infant has difficulty with a feeding it can impact weight gain, development and overall wellbeing. These challenges can involve oral motor skills (swallowing) or nutrition (food allergies, intolerance).
Occupational therapists and dietitians at Woman’s Center for Wellness can provide guidance and therapy for children who are experiencing difficulty with achieving developmental milestones associated with feeding.
For the breastfeeding mom, her diet can directly impact the health and wellbeing of the infant. If the baby starts to experience fussiness, gas, diarrhea or reflux this can be signs of a food allergy or intolerance.
As a child begins to eat solids, it is important to slowly introduce the different types of food into their diet following normal stages of development and nutrition.
Remember, no two babies develop skills at the same time or the same way, so the chart below is intended as a guideline.
Normal Stages of Development and Nutrition
Early Interventions for Pediatric Feeding
For newborns and through childhood, we meet a child’s gross motor, fine motor, feeding or developmental therapy needs, offering speech, physical or occupational and aquatic therapy.