A Labor of Love Celebration Woman’s Hospital Awaits the Delivery of Its 400,000th Baby

BATON ROUGE, La – Woman’s Hospital announces preparations for the delivery of its 400,000th baby with the launch of its Labor of Love campaign. The community is invited to participate as the hospital counts down to celebrate this significant milestone that has been more than half a century in the making. 

Woman’s Labor of Love campaign features a number of community engagement opportunities. The public can follow the real-time countdown with:

  • Baby counters on billboards across Baton Rouge and surrounding areas
  • Baby counter on Woman’s website at Womans.org/LaborOfLove
  • Interactive trivia questions via Woman’s social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram). Questions will include:
  • What is the most common month babies are born at Woman’s?
  • How many sets of twins have been born at Woman’s?
  • Have there been more girls or boys delivered?

“The big arrival is expected in early March, and we could not be more excited,” said Rene Ragas, Woman’s president and CEO. “Woman’s first opened its doors 56 years ago with the mission to improve the health of women and infants, a commitment we take seriously every single day. Achieving 400,000 deliveries is an incredible legacy that we are thrilled to celebrate.”

As part of the celebration, the family of the 400,000th baby will receive a prize pack filled with newborn essentials and gifts.

Woman’s baby counter currently stands at 399,670. Historically, the hospital delivers approximately 8,000 babies each year and has recorded as many as 45 births in one day. 

Founded in 1968, Woman’s is the largest single hospital delivery service in Louisiana and one of the largest in the country. Serving patients in 63 of the state’s 64 parishes, the hospital is consistently recognized nationally, statewide, and locally for the exceptional care it provides.

Among Woman’s notable achievements: 

  • The largest single hospital delivery service in Louisiana and one of the largest in the country
  • Six Maternal-Fetal Medicine satellite locations statewide
  • Louisiana’s largest Newborn and Infant Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
  • Opened the state’s first Perinatal Mental Health Unit (PMHU) for pregnant and postpartum mothers in 2024 

About Woman’s Hospital

Woman’s is a specialty hospital for women and infants located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Since opening in 1968, it has welcomed more than 375,000 babies, making it one of the largest delivery services in the country and the largest in Louisiana. Additionally, Woman’s operates a level III-S neonatal intensive care unit; this designation allows them to care for infants who are extremely premature, are critically ill or require surgical intervention. The hospital is also recognized for its expertise in mammography as well as breast and gynecologic cancer care. As a private, nonprofit organization, all funds are reinvested into the hospital to continue Woman’s mission to improve the health of women and infants through the latest technology, a highly qualified staff and critical community programs and services.