
Understanding Fatherhood e-Class

Dads learn about the important role they play in pregnancy, birth, and beyond.


Our online fatherhood e-Class is an interactive program. Broken into short clips, classes combine interviews with real dads and advice from a fatherhood expert with evidence-based information and a bit of humor.

  • Introduction, The Importance of Fathers

    Why dads make a difference, benefits of being involved for children and dads

  • The Pregnant Dad, Involved From the Start

    Feelings about having a baby, how dads can be involved during pregnancy, baby gear essentials, planning ahead, childcare research

  • Labor & Delivery, A Dad Is Born

    Birth preference list, packing for the hospital, labor and birth basics, reality versus movies/TV, how to be a supportive partner during labor, making the most of the postpartum hospital stay

  • Baby Care, Dad in Action

    Coming home, breastfeeding basics, why Dad’s breastfeeding support is important, creating a safe sleep environment, why babies cry and soothing techniques, abusive head trauma, bonding

  • The Postpartum Dad, Emotions & Your Relationship

    Self-care, relationship after baby, importance of good communication, perinatal mood and anxiety disorders and paternal postpartum depression

  • Parenting, A Dad’s Life

    Parenting truths, dad as a safety manager, looking ahead, understanding developmental milestones and positive discipline, joys of fatherhood


following your registration.
eClasses will be active for 6 months from date of purchase.


Dates Offered

Registration details: 

Understanding e-Classes are non-refundable and non-transferrable.


This class is not held on a specific date (disregard date above).


Your access link will be emailed following your registration. eClasses will be active for 6 months from date of purchase.