Pregnancy & Childbirth

Pregnancy 101

First Time Pregnant?

What to Expect

  • Register as soon as you learn you are pregnant.

    Attend this class to learn how to provide your baby with the best possible environment for growth and development.

  • Prepare physically.

    This class highlights nutrition, exercise, and normal physical discomforts throughout pregnancy.

  • Need to know what next? 

    Expectant parents will receive an overview of the services offered at Woman’s Hospital and the Woman’s Center for Wellness.

  • Classes are held Mondays, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

    Class for the expectant parent and guest.

Class Reviews

I really enjoyed meeting other women,

and hearing that what I am going through is normal.”

The question and answer part of the class was extremely helpful.

I feel like I learned a lot more in this 2.5-hour course than I have from reading books.”

Special Needs

If you have a disability recognized by the ADA and would like assistance in registering or attending this offering, please call 225-231-5292.


Dates Offered

Registration details: 

You are encouraged to have a support person join you for the class.

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Woman's Conference Center Conference Room 2 & 3
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Woman's Conference Center Conference Room 2 & 3
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