Weight Management

Weight Loss Surgery: What You Should Know


Virtual Seminar with a Surgeon

What to Expect

Is weight loss surgery right for you?

  • Do you remember what it’s like to feel good?

    To take a walk without knee pain? To climb the stairs without losing your breath?

  • Obesity is a medical disorder.

    Weight loss surgery can help you take control of your health.

  • Hear from a weight loss surgery physician.

    Learn more about the different types of weight loss surgeries and get your questions answered.


Prior to the Teams Meeting.

MORE about Weight Loss Surgery

Dates Offered

Registration details: 

A link will be emailed to each registrant prior to the virtual meeting along with instructions to join.


Virtual Teams Meeting
Dr. Taylor


Virtual Teams Meeting
Dr. Cook


Virtual Teams Meeting
Dr. Hausmann


Virtual Teams Meeting
Dr. Allain