Professional Education

Caregivers and Patients Partnered in Perinatal Grief

Caring for patients who have experienced a pregnancy or infant loss.

Presented by

Woman’s Hospital Palliative Care Team


At the conclusion of this program, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the history and theory behind the care of families experiencing perinatal loss.
  2. Discuss trauma-informed care for patients and families experiencing perinatal loss.
  3. Identify the grief needs of each individual family member.
  4. Summarize culturally competent care to families experiencing perinatal loss.

RN: 6 contact hours are awarded to this offering by Woman's Hospital. You must attend the entire offering and complete the evaluation form to receive the contact hours.

Woman’s Hospital is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Louisiana State Board of Nursing, Provider #19.

SW: This program has been approved for 6 clinical continuing education contact hours by the National Association of Social Workers, Louisiana Chapter as authorized by the Louisiana State board of Social Work Examiners and may be applied toward the continuing education requirements for licensure renewal. You must attend the entire offering and complete the evaluation form to receive the contact hours.

Special Needs

If you have a disability recognized by the ADA and would like assistance in registering or attending this offering, please call 225-231-5292.

Dates Offered

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Woman's Conference Center Conference Room 1
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Woman's Conference Center Conference Room 1
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Woman's Conference Center Conference Room 1