Cancer Screenings

Cancer Screening Should Be a Regular Part of Your Life

At Woman’s, we want you to take the time to be healthy. Early detection is the key to treating most illnesses or diseases. Woman’s offers all of these tests with an order from your doctor. Talk to your doctor today.

The following are specific screening recommendations, including when and how often you should have the screening and what the screening is designed to do. Ask your doctor about other health screenings that may also be good for your health.

Screen/Test/Exam Age to Begin Description

Breast Self-Awareness

20, then continue once a month Any unusual breast symptoms or changes in breast tissue such as swelling, dimpling, nipple discharge, persistent pain, redness, unusual masses or any other variation in how your breasts look and feel should be reported immediately to your doctor. A mammogram and a clinical breast exam is the most reliable method for finding breast cancer in its earliest, most treatable stages.

Clinical Breast Exam

20, then repeat every three years until age 40; annually if you are over the age of 40 During a clinical breast exam, a healthcare professional should visually examine as well as carefully feel your breasts for any of the above symptoms.


40, then once every one to two years A mammogram produces images of the inner breast tissue using a very low dose of radiation. A mammogram can help identify cysts, calcifications and tumors within the breast. It is currently the most effective way to detect early breast cancer.

Pelvic Exam/Pap Smear Test

18, or once sexually active if earlier, and continue annually Your doctor will look at your pelvic area, both internally and externally, for anything abnormal. During a Pap smear, your healthcare professional will use a swab to gently scrape the inside of your cervix to obtain cells, which will be inspected for signs of cancerous and pre-cancerous changes.

Colon Cancer Screening

50 (If you have a family history of colon cancer or polyps, you should begin having regular screenings at a younger age; ask your doctor which tests you need and how often you should be screened.) Adults over age 50 should have a flexible sigmoidoscopy every five years to examine the rectum and lower colon. A colonoscopy may be recommended every 10 years as an alternative. This procedure examines the entire colon. A fecal occult blood test checks for blood in your stool.

Cholesterol Screening

20, then repeat every five years or as often as your doctor recommends. This screening determines if you have high blood cholesterol, which can lead to heart disease. A fasting lipoprotein profile is the most accurate type of cholesterol screening; it measures HDL and LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Blood Pressure Reading

21 and older This simple screening checks for high blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease.

Bone Density Exam/Bone Mass Measurement

Those who have sustained a fracture should begin at age 40; all women beyond age 65. Low bone density can lead to fractures and osteoporosis. The test is recommended for women who are at increased risk due to certain medications, and for patients with conditions that are associated with bone loss.

Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Screening

Begin once sexually active. Sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes and HIV can be diagnosed by STD screenings, which can be performed during your annual gynecologic exam. Some STDs do not cause symptoms, so it’s important to get tested.
  • Couple taking a photo together.

    Imaging Plays a Vital Role

    We offer pelvic, breast, abdominal and renal ultrasound imaging, as well as general radiology, mammography, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and nuclear medicine.

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Medical tests and laboratory tests are important aids for doctors. However, sometimes the wrong test is ordered. Or the test results can be misunderstood.